Satellite Source: Landsat 7 Mode: Multispectral Resolution: 30 meter Image Date & Time: 05-14-2018 1632 UTC Confidence: High Issue Date: 05-15-2018 Region: Gulf of Mexico Location: 29�11'14" N, 89�56'35" W Coverage Area: 17.12 km^2 Remarks: **Please be advised that this report is for imagery captured the previous day, but which did not become available until today** Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. This anomaly is unconfirmed as oil. The anomaly is believed to correspond to NRC report #1212055. It was located about 4 nm S of Grand Isle State Park, measured approximately 6.6 nm long and had an average width of 1 nm. In sunglint, the anomaly appeared silvery/white indicative of relatively thicker oil, while it appeared black in areas of thinner oil. It's orientation was supported by 10-15 kt surface winds from the NE at the time of the image. No oil facilities are located near the slick, but several pipelines converge in the vicinity. Uncertainties: Due to the scanning error in Landsat-7 imagery that led imagery drop-out areas, we only have medium confidence in the slick's true areal extent. Analyst: Velasco For further information on oil spill response and assessment please visit: