Satellite Source: Landsat 7
Mode: Multispectral
Resolution: 30 meter
Image Date & Time: 05-14-2018 1632 UTC

Confidence: High
Issue Date: 05-15-2018

Region: Gulf of Mexico
Location: 29�11'14" N, 89�56'35" W
Coverage Area: 17.12 km^2

**Please be advised that this report is for imagery captured the previous 
day, but which did not become available until today**
Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. This anomaly is unconfirmed 
as oil. The anomaly is believed to correspond to NRC report #1212055. 
It was located about 4 nm S of Grand Isle State Park, measured approximately 
6.6 nm long and had an average width of 1 nm. In sunglint, the anomaly 
appeared silvery/white indicative of relatively thicker oil, while it 
appeared black in areas of thinner oil. It's orientation was supported 
by 10-15 kt surface winds from the NE at the time of the image. No oil 
facilities are located near the slick, but several pipelines converge 
in the vicinity. 

Due to the scanning error in Landsat-7 imagery that led imagery drop-out 
areas, we only have medium confidence in the slick's true areal extent.

Analyst: Velasco

For further information on oil spill response and assessment please visit: