Satellite Source: Landsat 8
Mode: Multispectral
Resolution: 30 meter
Image Date & Time: 04-10-2018 1555 UTC

Confidence: High
Issued Date: 04-11-2018

Region: Gulf of Mexico
Location: 25�01'29" N, 82�45'15" W
Coverage Area: 0.35 km^2

Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. This anomaly is unconfirmed 
as oil. The anomaly appeared to be emanating from a repeat leak source,
 the sunken Cudahy, located north of the Florida Keys. The anomaly stretched 
more than 1.5 NM in the SE-NW direction. 
Measured winds at the time of observation were 10 knots and from the S.
 Modeled ocean currents aligned well with the anomalies trajectory and 
were under 1 knot towards the NW.
Confidence was determined to be HIGH given this was a known repeat leak 
source and oil has previously been confirmed in the area.

There are no uncertainties. 

Analyst: Boll

For further information on oil spill response and assessment please visit: