Topic: Met-11 switch to Met-9 for Geo-SST MSG GHRSST L2P products
Date/Time Issued: January 8, 2020 1855 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Geo-SST MSG GHRSST L2PM-B
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 9, 2020 1700 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: January 21, 2020 1700 UTC
Length of Event/Outage: 12 days
Details/Specifics of Change:M-B
Dataset name change due to switch from Meteosat-11 to Meteosat-9
On January 9 at 1700UTC, the names of the L2P GHRSST geo-SST Meteosat (MSG) datasets will change in the satellite ID field.M-B Change will continue until January 21 at 1700 UTC.
The net effect is that the GHRSSTM-B L2P files from meteosat will now have "MSG02" in the name instead of M-bM-^@M-^\MSG04M-bM-^@M-^].
The last product from Meteosat11 isM-B likely
The first product from Meteosat 9 isM-B probably
It is likely that we will switch back to Meteosat-11 as soon as it goes backM-B into operations on 1/21.
Contact Information for Further Information: SPSD User Services at and John Sapper at john.sapper@noaa.govM-B
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