At 17:11:00 UTC on November 02, 2023, the OSPO/ESPC operations for all the three legacy NOAA satellites, NOAA-15, NOAA-18 and NOAA-19, were transitioned into the POES Extended Life Ground Systems. The downlink satellite data acquisitions and the relevant deliveries are now operated by PARSONS Company. OSPO/ESPC continues to produce and distribute L1b data at NSOF.
In the POES Extended Life Era:
POES Level 1B data files contain data quality flags to support users' data applications. The web page summarizes the data quality status based on the Polar Pre-product Processing (PPP) reports. [ Return to Main PPP Page ]
Orbits scheduled for 04/19/24
a) A red background number indicates that the overall percentage is below 90%, a pre-set threshold.
b) A blue background indicates no observation scan found.
c) To get the up-to-date onboard instrument status information, please view the Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) spacecraft status page.