Registration Help for Jason-2 CLASS Data
Registering for Jason-2 data on the NOAA CLASS website:
- Go to the NOAA CLASS website
- Click on the Register tab in the top left hand corner of the page.
- Fill out the entire registration form with an easy to remember username and password. The password can only contain the following: letters a-z, capital letters A-Z, numbers 0-9. The only special characters that are available to use are the period, parenthesis, hyphen, underscore and tab.
- Click on the Register tab at the bottom of the page after filling out the registration form.
- You are now registered and should receive a notification from the NOAA CLASS website.
- There are other types of satellite data available besides Jason-2. If you need help ordering Jason-2 data, please check out this tutorial which will explain how to order Jason-2 data.
